Fortys Capital offers opportunities for investors and institutions to gain exposure to short-term loans backed by UK Real Estate. We carry out our own in-house stringent underwriting, assess client affordability and exit strategy.
Fortys Capital leverages its wide origination network for a strong pipeline of select investment opportunities and includes repeat customers and brokers. All our loan offerings are subject to valuation carried out by a RICS surveyor and legal due diligence by a solicitor on our panel.

Risk-Return Ratio
Risk-Return Ratio
Highly Experienced
Market Experts
Highly Experienced
Market Experts
Bespoke Bridging
Investment Options
Bespoke Bridging
Investment Options
Fortys Capital Ltd is registered in England Co. No. 12392907. Fortys Capital is not regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority and is not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). As with any investment, your capital is not risk free.